Filled, heavy duty Saddle Sandbag 15 lbs (Black)
What's the best sandbag for photography?
Sandbags are one of the most important, versatile, and frequently-used accessories among photographers. They're helpful not only for getting the perfect shot -- they're also important to prevent equipment from tipping (for the safety of everyone around AND of your valuable equipment).
Photography sandbags are used in dozens of ways, including anchoring C-stands, tripods and light stands, as counterweight for booms or tripods, minimizing movement and shaking in windy conditions. They can even be used to minimize camera vibrations and shaking or as a camera rest or "support saddle" when filming from a low angle.
So, what is the best photography sandbag? Seasoned, professional photographers and studios rely on the Saddle Sandbag from the Sandbag Store.
- Water-resistant 1000D black Cordura nylon fabric with urethane coating on inside of bag. These bags are built to withstand years of hauling to locations, tossing around and still looking sharp and professional. They're built to resist leaking, tearing or unraveling.
- 1.5" Wide, double-stitched handle makes carrying and positioning easy.
- Built-in fold makes these bags ideal for draping over equipment stand legs and feet.
- Available in the following prefilled, factory-sealed weights: 5,10,15,20,25,30,35 and 50lbs.
- Choose from 8 bag colors and 11 different handle colors.
- Fill: Your choice of sand or steel shot. (Steel shot allow for heavier weight within smaller-sized bag.)
- Optional Add-On: Custom screen printed with your logo or other information.
- Very Affordabel. (We even provide free shipping.)
- Made in USA
Need photography equipment and accessories you can trust? You need the Saddle Sandbag from The Sandbag Store.
Available in These 8 Popular Colors